Interview with Tao Porchon-Lynch

ao Porchon-Lynch a Master Yoga Teacher, who has led an full and varied life. Having travelled the world imparting her great knowledge and wisdom. At 97 years old she continues to practice yoga. She took up Ball Room dancing in her 80’s, one month after undergoing a...

Why Aorta Workout More

  February is National Heart Month and organizations and charities like the British Heart Foundation are asking everybody to pay attention to their hearts and start living healthier lifestyles. In the UK, there are an estimated 7m people living with some form of...

Fitness Trends for 2016

The New Year means a lot more people will be out looking for workouts to get in shape for 2016 and that means that gyms, bootcamps and personal trainers will be fighting for their attention. For the last 10 years the American College of Sports and Medicine have been...

World Diabetes Day

November 14th marks World Diabetes Day and this year the International Diabetes Federation is promoting healthy living and starting each day right by having a healthy breakfast as its theme to combat this worldwide epidemic. The campaign is being backed by all major...

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